Source code for duplicity.dup_collections

# -*- Mode:Python; indent-tabs-mode:nil; tab-width:4; encoding:utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2002 Ben Escoto <>
# Copyright 2007 Kenneth Loafman <>
# This file is part of duplicity.
# Duplicity is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.
# Duplicity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with duplicity; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA

u"""Classes and functions on collections of backup volumes"""

from builtins import str
from builtins import zip
from builtins import map
from builtins import range
from builtins import object

import sys

from duplicity import log
from duplicity import file_naming
from duplicity import path
from duplicity import util
from duplicity import dup_time
from duplicity import config
from duplicity import manifest
from duplicity import util
from duplicity.gpg import GPGError

# For type testing against both int and long types that works in python 2/3
if sys.version_info < (3,):
    integer_types = (int, int)
    integer_types = (int,)

[docs]class CollectionsError(Exception): pass
[docs]class BackupSet(object): u""" Backup set - the backup information produced by one session """
[docs] def __init__(self, backend, action): u""" Initialize new backup set, only backend is required at first """ self.backend = backend self.info_set = False # true if fields are set self.volume_name_dict = {} # dict from volume number to filename self.remote_manifest_name = None # full name of remote manifest self.local_manifest_path = None # full path to local manifest self.time = None # will be set if is full backup set self.start_time = None # will be set if inc self.end_time = None # will be set if inc self.partial = False # true if a partial backup self.encrypted = False # true if an encrypted backup self.files_changed = [] self.action = action
[docs] def is_complete(self): u""" Assume complete if found manifest file """ return self.remote_manifest_name
[docs] def add_filename(self, filename, pr=None): u""" Add a filename to given set. Return true if it fits. The filename will match the given set if it has the right times and is of the right type. The information will be set from the first filename given. @param filename: name of file to add @type filename: string @param pr: pre-computed result of file_naming.parse(filename) @type pr: Optional[ParseResults] """ if not pr: pr = file_naming.parse(filename) if not pr or not (pr.type == u"full" or pr.type == u"inc"): return False if not self.info_set: self.set_info(pr) else: if pr.type != self.type: return False if pr.time != self.time: return False if (pr.start_time != self.start_time or pr.end_time != self.end_time): return False if bool(pr.encrypted) != bool(self.encrypted): if self.partial and pr.encrypted: self.encrypted = pr.encrypted if pr.manifest: self.set_manifest(filename) else: assert pr.volume_number is not None assert pr.volume_number not in self.volume_name_dict, \ u"""Volume %d is already in the volume list as "%s". "%s" has the same volume number. Please check your command line and retry.""" % ( pr.volume_number, util.fsdecode(self.volume_name_dict[pr.volume_number]), util.fsdecode(filename) ) self.volume_name_dict[pr.volume_number] = filename return True
[docs] def set_info(self, pr): u""" Set BackupSet information from ParseResults object @param pr: parse results @type pf: ParseResults """ assert not self.info_set self.type = pr.type self.time = pr.time self.start_time = pr.start_time self.end_time = pr.end_time self.time = pr.time self.partial = pr.partial self.encrypted = bool(pr.encrypted) self.info_set = True
[docs] def set_files_changed(self): mf = self.get_manifest() self.files_changed = mf.get_files_changed()
[docs] def set_manifest(self, remote_filename): u""" Add local and remote manifest filenames to backup set """ assert not self.remote_manifest_name, \ u"Cannot set filename of remote manifest to %s; already set to %s." % ( remote_filename, self.remote_manifest_name, ) self.remote_manifest_name = remote_filename if self.action != u"replicate": local_filename_list = config.archive_dir_path.listdir() else: local_filename_list = [] for local_filename in local_filename_list: pr = file_naming.parse(local_filename) if (pr and pr.manifest and pr.type == self.type and pr.time == self.time and pr.start_time == self.start_time and pr.end_time == self.end_time): self.local_manifest_path = \ config.archive_dir_path.append(local_filename) self.set_files_changed() break
[docs] def delete(self): u""" Remove all files in set, both local and remote """ rfn = self.get_filenames() rfn.reverse() try: self.backend.delete(rfn) except Exception: log.Debug(_(u"BackupSet.delete: missing %s") % [util.fsdecode(f) for f in rfn]) pass if self.action != u"replicate": local_filename_list = config.archive_dir_path.listdir() else: local_filename_list = [] for lfn in local_filename_list: pr = file_naming.parse(lfn) if (pr and pr.time == self.time and pr.start_time == self.start_time and pr.end_time == self.end_time): try: config.archive_dir_path.append(lfn).delete() except Exception: log.Debug(_(u"BackupSet.delete: missing %s") % [util.fsdecode(f) for f in lfn]) pass util.release_lockfile()
def __str__(self): u""" For now just list files in set """ filelist = [] if self.remote_manifest_name: filelist.append(self.remote_manifest_name) filelist.extend(list(self.volume_name_dict.values())) return u"[%s]" % u", ".join(map(util.fsdecode, filelist))
[docs] def get_timestr(self): u""" Return time string suitable for log statements """ return dup_time.timetopretty(self.time or self.end_time)
[docs] def check_manifests(self, check_remote=True): u""" Make sure remote manifest is equal to local one """ if not self.remote_manifest_name and not self.local_manifest_path: log.FatalError(_(u"Fatal Error: No manifests found for most recent backup"), log.ErrorCode.no_manifests) assert self.remote_manifest_name, u"if only one, should be remote" remote_manifest = self.get_remote_manifest() if check_remote else None if self.local_manifest_path: local_manifest = self.get_local_manifest() if remote_manifest and self.local_manifest_path and local_manifest: if remote_manifest != local_manifest: if config.check_remote: log.FatalError(_(u"Fatal Error: Remote manifest does not match " u"local one. Either the remote backup set or " u"the local archive directory has been corrupted."), log.ErrorCode.mismatched_manifests) else: log.Error(_(u"Error processing remote manifest (%s): %s") % (util.fsdecode(self.remote_manifest_name), util.uexc(message))) return None if not remote_manifest: if self.local_manifest_path: remote_manifest = local_manifest else: log.FatalError(_(u"Fatal Error: Neither remote nor local " u"manifest is readable."), log.ErrorCode.unreadable_manifests) remote_manifest.check_dirinfo()
[docs] def get_local_manifest(self): u""" Return manifest object by reading local manifest file """ assert self.local_manifest_path manifest_buffer = self.local_manifest_path.get_data() log.Info(_(u"Processing local manifest %s (%s)") % (, len(manifest_buffer))) return manifest.Manifest().from_string(manifest_buffer)
[docs] def get_remote_manifest(self): u""" Return manifest by reading remote manifest on backend """ assert self.remote_manifest_name try: manifest_buffer = self.backend.get_data(self.remote_manifest_name) except GPGError as message: log.FatalError(_(u"Error processing remote manifest (%s): %s") % (util.fsdecode(self.remote_manifest_name), util.uexc(message))) log.Info(_(u"Processing remote manifest %s (%s)") % ( util.fsdecode(self.remote_manifest_name), len(manifest_buffer))) return manifest.Manifest().from_string(manifest_buffer)
[docs] def get_manifest(self): u""" Return manifest object, showing preference for local copy """ if self.local_manifest_path: return self.get_local_manifest() else: return self.get_remote_manifest()
[docs] def get_filenames(self): u""" Return sorted list of (remote) filenames of files in set """ assert self.info_set volume_num_list = list(self.volume_name_dict.keys()) volume_num_list.sort() volume_filenames = [self.volume_name_dict[x] for x in volume_num_list] if self.remote_manifest_name: # For convenience of implementation for restart support, we treat # local partial manifests as this set's remote manifest. But # when specifically asked for a list of remote filenames, we # should not include it. pr = file_naming.parse(self.remote_manifest_name) if pr and not pr.partial: volume_filenames.append(self.remote_manifest_name) return volume_filenames
[docs] def get_time(self): u""" Return time if full backup, or end_time if incremental """ if self.time: return self.time if self.end_time: return self.end_time assert 0, u"Neither self.time nor self.end_time set"
[docs] def get_files_changed(self): return self.files_changed
def __len__(self): u""" Return the number of volumes in the set """ return len(list(self.volume_name_dict.keys())) def __eq__(self, other): u""" Return whether this backup set is equal to other """ return self.type == other.type and \ self.time == other.time and \ self.start_time == other.start_time and \ self.end_time == other.end_time and \ len(self) == len(other)
[docs]class BackupChain(object): u""" BackupChain - a number of linked BackupSets A BackupChain always starts with a full backup set and continues with incremental ones. """
[docs] def __init__(self, backend): u""" Initialize new chain, only backend is required at first """ self.backend = backend self.fullset = None self.incset_list = [] # sorted list of BackupSets self.start_time, self.end_time = None, None
[docs] def set_full(self, fullset): u""" Add full backup set """ assert not self.fullset and isinstance(fullset, BackupSet) self.fullset = fullset assert fullset.time self.start_time, self.end_time = fullset.time, fullset.time
[docs] def add_inc(self, incset): u""" Add incset to self. Return False if incset does not match """ if self.end_time == incset.start_time: self.incset_list.append(incset) else: if (self.incset_list and incset.start_time == self.incset_list[-1].start_time and incset.end_time > self.incset_list[-1].end_time): log.Info(_(u"Preferring Backupset over previous one!")) self.incset_list[-1] = incset else: log.Info(_(u"Ignoring incremental Backupset (start_time: %s; needed: %s)") % (dup_time.timetopretty(incset.start_time), dup_time.timetopretty(self.end_time))) return False self.end_time = incset.end_time log.Info(_(u"Added incremental Backupset (start_time: %s / end_time: %s)") % (dup_time.timetopretty(incset.start_time), dup_time.timetopretty(incset.end_time))) assert self.end_time return True
[docs] def delete(self, keep_full=False): u""" Delete all sets in chain, in reverse order """ for i in range(len(self.incset_list) - 1, -1, -1): self.incset_list[i].delete() if self.fullset and not keep_full: self.fullset.delete()
[docs] def get_sets_at_time(self, time): u""" Return a list of sets in chain earlier or equal to time """ older_incsets = [s for s in self.incset_list if s.end_time <= time] return [self.fullset] + older_incsets
[docs] def get_last(self): u""" Return last BackupSet in chain """ if self.incset_list: return self.incset_list[-1] else: return self.fullset
[docs] def get_first(self): u""" Return first BackupSet in chain (ie the full backup) """ return self.fullset
[docs] def short_desc(self): u""" Return a short one-line description of the chain, suitable for log messages. """ return u"[%s]-[%s]" % (dup_time.timetopretty(self.start_time), dup_time.timetopretty(self.end_time))
[docs] def to_log_info(self, prefix=u''): u""" Return summary, suitable for printing to log """ l = [] for s in self.get_all_sets(): if s.time: btype = u"full" time = s.time else: btype = u"inc" time = s.end_time if s.encrypted: enc = u"enc" else: enc = u"noenc" l.append(u"%s%s %s %d %s" % (prefix, btype, dup_time.timetostring(time), (len(s)), enc)) return l
def __str__(self): u""" Return string representation, for testing purposes """ set_schema = u"%20s %30s %15s" l = [u"-------------------------", _(u"Chain start time: ") + dup_time.timetopretty(self.start_time), _(u"Chain end time: ") + dup_time.timetopretty(self.end_time), _(u"Number of contained backup sets: %d") % (len(self.incset_list) + 1,), _(u"Total number of contained volumes: %d") % (self.get_num_volumes(),), set_schema % (_(u"Type of backup set:"), _(u"Time:"), _(u"Num volumes:"))] for s in self.get_all_sets(): if s.time: btype = _(u"Full") time = s.time else: btype = _(u"Incremental") time = s.end_time l.append(set_schema % (btype, dup_time.timetopretty(time), len(s))) l.append(u"-------------------------") return u"\n".join(l)
[docs] def get_num_volumes(self): u""" Return the total number of volumes in the chain """ n = 0 for s in self.get_all_sets(): n += len(s) return n
[docs] def get_all_sets(self): u""" Return list of all backup sets in chain """ if self.fullset: return [self.fullset] + self.incset_list else: return self.incset_list
[docs]class SignatureChain(object): u""" A number of linked SignatureSets Analog to BackupChain - start with a full-sig, and continue with new-sigs. """
[docs] def __init__(self, local, location): u""" Return new SignatureChain. local should be true iff the signature chain resides in config.archive_dir_path and false if the chain is in config.backend. @param local: True if sig chain in config.archive_dir_path @type local: Boolean @param location: Where the sig chain is located @type location: config.archive_dir_path or config.backend """ if local: self.archive_dir_path, self.backend = location, None else: self.archive_dir_path, self.backend = None, location self.fullsig = None # filename of full signature self.inclist = [] # list of filenames of incremental signatures self.start_time, self.end_time = None, None
def __str__(self): u""" Local or Remote and List of files in the set """ if self.archive_dir_path: place = _(u"local") else: place = _(u"remote") filelist = [] if self.fullsig: filelist.append(self.fullsig) filelist.extend(self.inclist) return u"%s: [%s]" % (place, u", ".join(filelist))
[docs] def check_times(self, time_list): u""" Check to make sure times are in whole seconds """ for time in time_list: if type(time) not in integer_types: assert 0, u"Time %s in %s wrong type" % (time, time_list)
[docs] def islocal(self): u""" Return true if represents a signature chain in archive_dir_path """ if self.archive_dir_path: return True else: return False
[docs] def add_filename(self, filename, pr=None): u""" Add new sig filename to current chain. Return true if fits """ if not pr: pr = file_naming.parse(filename) if not pr: return None if self.fullsig: if pr.type != u"new-sig": return None if pr.start_time != self.end_time: return None self.inclist.append(filename) self.check_times([pr.end_time]) self.end_time = pr.end_time return 1 else: if pr.type != u"full-sig": return None self.fullsig = filename self.check_times([pr.time, pr.time]) self.start_time, self.end_time = pr.time, pr.time return 1
[docs] def get_fileobjs(self, time=None): u""" Return ordered list of signature fileobjs opened for reading, optionally at a certain time """ assert self.fullsig if self.archive_dir_path: # local def filename_to_fileobj(filename): u"""Open filename in archive_dir_path, return filtered fileobj""" sig_dp = path.DupPath(, (filename,)) return sig_dp.filtered_open(u"rb") else: filename_to_fileobj = self.backend.get_fileobj_read return [filename_to_fileobj(f) for f in self.get_filenames(time)]
[docs] def delete(self, keep_full=False): u""" Remove all files in signature set """ # Try to delete in opposite order, so something useful even if aborted if self.archive_dir_path: for i in range(len(self.inclist) - 1, -1, -1): self.archive_dir_path.append(self.inclist[i]).delete() if not keep_full: self.archive_dir_path.append(self.fullsig).delete() else: assert self.backend inclist_copy = self.inclist[:] inclist_copy.reverse() if not keep_full: inclist_copy.append(self.fullsig) self.backend.delete(inclist_copy)
[docs] def get_filenames(self, time=None): u""" Return ordered list of filenames in set, up to a provided time """ if self.fullsig: l = [self.fullsig] else: l = [] inclist = self.inclist if time: inclist = [n for n in inclist if file_naming.parse(n).end_time <= time] l.extend(inclist) return l
[docs]class CollectionsStatus(object): u""" Hold information about available chains and sets """
[docs] def __init__(self, backend, archive_dir_path, action): u""" Make new object. Does not set values """ self.backend = backend self.archive_dir_path = archive_dir_path self.action = action # Will hold (signature chain, backup chain) pair of active # (most recent) chains self.matched_chain_pair = None # These should be sorted by end_time self.all_backup_chains = None self.other_backup_chains = None self.all_sig_chains = None # Other misc paths and sets which shouldn't be there self.local_orphaned_sig_names = [] self.remote_orphaned_sig_names = [] self.orphaned_backup_sets = None self.incomplete_backup_sets = None # True if set_values() below has run self.values_set = None
[docs] def to_log_info(self): u""" Return summary of the collection, suitable for printing to log """ l = [u"backend %s" % (self.backend.__class__.__name__,), u"archive-dir %s" % (self.archive_dir_path,)] for i in range(len(self.other_backup_chains)): # A bit of a misnomer. Chain might have a sig. l.append(u"chain-no-sig %d" % (i,)) l += self.other_backup_chains[i].to_log_info(u' ') if self.matched_chain_pair: l.append(u"chain-complete") l += self.matched_chain_pair[1].to_log_info(u' ') l.append(u"orphaned-sets-num %d" % (len(self.orphaned_backup_sets),)) l.append(u"incomplete-sets-num %d" % (len(self.incomplete_backup_sets),)) return l
def __str__(self): u""" Return string summary of the collection """ l = [_(u"Collection Status"), u"-----------------", _(u"Connecting with backend: %s") % (self.backend.__class__.__name__,), _(u"Archive dir: %s") % (self.archive_dir_path.uc_name if self.archive_dir_path else u'None',)] l.append(u"\n" + _(u"Found %d secondary backup chain(s).") % len(self.other_backup_chains)) for i in range(len(self.other_backup_chains)): l.append(_(u"Secondary chain %d of %d:") % (i + 1, len(self.other_backup_chains))) l.append(str(self.other_backup_chains[i])) l.append(u"") if self.matched_chain_pair: l.append(u"\n" + _(u"Found primary backup chain with matching " u"signature chain:")) l.append(str(self.matched_chain_pair[1])) else: l.append(_(u"No backup chains with active signatures found")) if self.orphaned_backup_sets or self.incomplete_backup_sets: l.append(_(u"Also found %d backup set(s) not part of any chain,") % len(self.orphaned_backup_sets)) l.append(_(u"and %d incomplete backup set(s).") % len(self.incomplete_backup_sets)) # TRANSL: "cleanup" is a hard-coded command, so do not translate it l.append(_(u'These may be deleted by running duplicity with the ' u'"cleanup" command.')) else: l.append(_(u"No orphaned or incomplete backup sets found.")) return u"\n".join(l)
[docs] def set_values(self, sig_chain_warning=1): u""" Set values from archive_dir_path and backend. Returns self for convenience. If sig_chain_warning is set to None, do not warn about unnecessary sig chains. This is because there may naturally be some unecessary ones after a full backup. """ self.values_set = 1 # get remote filename list backend_filename_list = self.backend.list() log.Debug(_(u"%d file(s) exists on backend") % len(backend_filename_list)) # get local filename list if self.action != u"replicate": local_filename_list = self.archive_dir_path.listdir() else: local_filename_list = [] log.Debug(_(u"%d file(s) exists in cache") % len(local_filename_list)) # check for partial backups partials = [] for local_filename in local_filename_list: pr = file_naming.parse(local_filename) if pr and pr.partial: partials.append(local_filename) # get various backup sets and chains (backup_chains, self.orphaned_backup_sets, self.incomplete_backup_sets) = \ self.get_backup_chains(partials + backend_filename_list) backup_chains = self.get_sorted_chains(backup_chains) self.all_backup_chains = backup_chains assert len(backup_chains) == len(self.all_backup_chains), \ u"get_sorted_chains() did something more than re-ordering" local_sig_chains, self.local_orphaned_sig_names = \ self.get_signature_chains(True) remote_sig_chains, self.remote_orphaned_sig_names = \ self.get_signature_chains(False, filelist=backend_filename_list) self.set_matched_chain_pair(local_sig_chains + remote_sig_chains, backup_chains) self.warn(sig_chain_warning) return self
[docs] def set_matched_chain_pair(self, sig_chains, backup_chains): u""" Set self.matched_chain_pair and self.other_sig/backup_chains The latest matched_chain_pair will be set. If there are both remote and local signature chains capable of matching the latest backup chain, use the local sig chain (it does not need to be downloaded). """ sig_chains = sig_chains and self.get_sorted_chains(sig_chains) self.all_sig_chains = sig_chains self.other_backup_chains = backup_chains[:] self.matched_chain_pair = None if sig_chains and backup_chains: latest_backup_chain = backup_chains[-1] for i in range(len(sig_chains) - 1, -1, -1): if sig_chains[i].end_time == latest_backup_chain.end_time: pass # See if the set before last matches: elif (len(latest_backup_chain.get_all_sets()) >= 2 and sig_chains[i].end_time == latest_backup_chain.get_all_sets()[-2].end_time): # It matches, remove the last backup set: log.Warn(_(u"Warning, discarding last backup set, because " u"of missing signature file.")) self.incomplete_backup_sets.append(latest_backup_chain.incset_list[-1]) latest_backup_chain.incset_list = latest_backup_chain.incset_list[:-1] else: continue # Found a matching pair: if self.matched_chain_pair is None: self.matched_chain_pair = (sig_chains[i], latest_backup_chain) break if self.matched_chain_pair: self.other_backup_chains.remove(self.matched_chain_pair[1])
[docs] def warn(self, sig_chain_warning): u""" Log various error messages if find incomplete/orphaned files """ assert self.values_set if self.local_orphaned_sig_names: log.Warn(_(u"Warning, found the following local orphaned signature file(s):") + u"\n" + u"\n".join(map(util.fsdecode, self.local_orphaned_sig_names)), log.WarningCode.orphaned_sig) if self.remote_orphaned_sig_names: log.Warn(_(u"Warning, found the following remote orphaned signature file(s):") + u"\n" + u"\n".join(map(util.fsdecode, self.remote_orphaned_sig_names)), log.WarningCode.orphaned_sig) if self.all_sig_chains and sig_chain_warning and not self.matched_chain_pair: log.Warn(_(u"Warning, found signatures but no corresponding " u"backup files"), log.WarningCode.unmatched_sig) if self.incomplete_backup_sets: log.Warn(_(u"Warning, found incomplete backup sets, probably left " u"from aborted session"), log.WarningCode.incomplete_backup) if self.orphaned_backup_sets: log.Warn(_(u"Warning, found the following orphaned backup file(s):") + u"\n" + u"\n".join(map(str, self.orphaned_backup_sets)), log.WarningCode.orphaned_backup)
[docs] def get_backup_chains(self, filename_list): u""" Split given filename_list into chains Return value will be tuple (list of chains, list of sets, list of incomplete sets), where the list of sets will comprise sets not fitting into any chain, and the incomplete sets are sets missing files. """ log.Debug(_(u"Extracting backup chains from list of files: %s") % [util.fsdecode(f) for f in filename_list]) # First put filenames in set form sets = [] def add_to_sets(filename): u""" Try adding filename to existing sets, or make new one """ pr = file_naming.parse(filename) for set in sets: # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin if set.add_filename(filename, pr): log.Debug(_(u"File %s is part of known set") % (util.fsdecode(filename),)) break else: log.Debug(_(u"File %s is not part of a known set; creating new set") % (util.fsdecode(filename),)) new_set = BackupSet(self.backend, self.action) if new_set.add_filename(filename, pr): sets.append(new_set) else: log.Debug(_(u"Ignoring file (rejected by backup set) '%s'") % util.fsdecode(filename)) for f in filename_list: add_to_sets(f) sets, incomplete_sets = self.get_sorted_sets(sets) chains, orphaned_sets = [], [] def add_to_chains(set): # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin u""" Try adding set to existing chains, or make new one """ if set.type == u"full": new_chain = BackupChain(self.backend) new_chain.set_full(set) chains.append(new_chain) log.Debug(_(u"Found backup chain %s") % (new_chain.short_desc())) else: assert set.type == u"inc" for chain in chains: if chain.add_inc(set): log.Debug(_(u"Added set %s to pre-existing chain %s") % (set.get_timestr(), chain.short_desc())) break else: log.Debug(_(u"Found orphaned set %s") % (set.get_timestr(),)) orphaned_sets.append(set) for s in sets: add_to_chains(s) return chains, orphaned_sets, incomplete_sets
[docs] def get_sorted_sets(self, set_list): u""" Sort set list by end time, return (sorted list, incomplete) """ time_set_pairs, incomplete_sets = [], [] for set in set_list: # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin if not set.is_complete(): incomplete_sets.append(set) elif set.type == u"full": time_set_pairs.append((set.time, set)) else: time_set_pairs.append((set.end_time, set)) time_set_pairs.sort(key=lambda x: x[0]) return [p[1] for p in time_set_pairs], incomplete_sets
[docs] def get_signature_chains(self, local, filelist=None): u""" Find chains in archive_dir_path (if local is true) or backend Use filelist if given, otherwise regenerate. Return value is pair (list of chains, list of signature paths not in any chains). """ def get_filelist(): if filelist is not None: return filelist elif local: if self.action != u"replicate": return self.archive_dir_path.listdir() else: return [] else: return self.backend.list() def get_new_sigchain(): u""" Return new empty signature chain """ if local: return SignatureChain(True, self.archive_dir_path) else: return SignatureChain(False, self.backend) # Build initial chains from full sig filenames chains, new_sig_filenames = [], [] for filename in get_filelist(): pr = file_naming.parse(filename) if pr: if pr.type == u"full-sig": new_chain = get_new_sigchain() assert new_chain.add_filename(filename, pr) chains.append(new_chain) elif pr.type == u"new-sig": new_sig_filenames.append(filename) # Try adding new signatures to existing chains orphaned_filenames = [] new_sig_filenames.sort(key=lambda x: int(file_naming.parse(x).start_time)) for sig_filename in new_sig_filenames: for chain in chains: if chain.add_filename(sig_filename): break else: orphaned_filenames.append(sig_filename) return chains, orphaned_filenames
[docs] def get_sorted_chains(self, chain_list): u""" Return chains sorted by end_time. If tie, local goes last """ # Build dictionary from end_times to lists of corresponding chains endtime_chain_dict = {} for chain in chain_list: if chain.end_time in endtime_chain_dict: endtime_chain_dict[chain.end_time].append(chain) else: endtime_chain_dict[chain.end_time] = [chain] # Use dictionary to build final sorted list sorted_end_times = list(endtime_chain_dict.keys()) sorted_end_times.sort() sorted_chain_list = [] for end_time in sorted_end_times: chain_list = endtime_chain_dict[end_time] if len(chain_list) == 1: sorted_chain_list.append(chain_list[0]) else: assert len(chain_list) == 2 if chain_list[0].backend: # is remote, goes first sorted_chain_list.append(chain_list[0]) sorted_chain_list.append(chain_list[1]) else: # is local, goes second sorted_chain_list.append(chain_list[1]) sorted_chain_list.append(chain_list[0]) return sorted_chain_list
[docs] def get_backup_chain_at_time(self, time): u""" Return backup chain covering specified time Tries to find the backup chain covering the given time. If there is none, return the earliest chain before, and failing that, the earliest chain. """ if not self.all_backup_chains: raise CollectionsError(u"No backup chains found") covering_chains = [c for c in self.all_backup_chains if c.start_time <= time <= c.end_time] if len(covering_chains) > 1: raise CollectionsError(u"Two chains cover the given time") elif len(covering_chains) == 1: return covering_chains[0] old_chains = [c for c in self.all_backup_chains if c.end_time < time] if old_chains: return old_chains[-1] else: return self.all_backup_chains[0] # no chains are old enough
[docs] def get_signature_chain_at_time(self, time): u""" Return signature chain covering specified time Tries to find the signature chain covering the given time. If there is none, return the earliest chain before, and failing that, the earliest chain. """ if not self.all_sig_chains: raise CollectionsError(u"No signature chains found") covering_chains = [c for c in self.all_sig_chains if c.start_time <= time <= c.end_time] if covering_chains: return covering_chains[-1] # prefer local if multiple sig chains old_chains = [c for c in self.all_sig_chains if c.end_time < time] if old_chains: return old_chains[-1] else: # no chains are old enough, give oldest and warn user oldest = self.all_sig_chains[0] if time < oldest.start_time: log.Warn(_(u"No signature chain for the requested time. " u"Using oldest available chain, starting at time %s.") % dup_time.timetopretty(oldest.start_time), log.WarningCode.no_sig_for_time, dup_time.timetostring(oldest.start_time)) return oldest
[docs] def get_extraneous(self): u""" Return list of the names of extraneous duplicity files A duplicity file is considered extraneous if it is recognizable as a duplicity file, but isn't part of some complete backup set, or current signature chain. """ assert self.values_set local_filenames = [] remote_filenames = [] ext_containers = self.orphaned_backup_sets + self.incomplete_backup_sets for set_or_chain in ext_containers: if set_or_chain.backend: remote_filenames.extend(set_or_chain.get_filenames()) else: local_filenames.extend(set_or_chain.get_filenames()) local_filenames += self.local_orphaned_sig_names remote_filenames += self.remote_orphaned_sig_names return local_filenames, remote_filenames
[docs] def sort_sets(self, setlist): u"""Return new list containing same elems of setlist, sorted by time""" pairs = [(s.get_time(), s) for s in setlist] pairs.sort() return [p[1] for p in pairs]
[docs] def get_chains_older_than(self, t): u""" Returns a list of backup chains older than the given time t All of the times will be associated with an intact chain. Furthermore, none of the times will be of a chain which a newer set may depend on. For instance, if set A is a full set older than t, and set B is an incremental based on A which is newer than t, then the time of set A will not be returned. """ assert self.values_set old_chains = [] for chain in self.all_backup_chains: if (chain.end_time < t and (not self.matched_chain_pair or chain is not self.matched_chain_pair[1])): # don't delete the active (matched) chain old_chains.append(chain) return old_chains
[docs] def get_signature_chains_older_than(self, t): u""" Returns a list of signature chains older than the given time t All of the times will be associated with an intact chain. Furthermore, none of the times will be of a chain which a newer set may depend on. For instance, if set A is a full set older than t, and set B is an incremental based on A which is newer than t, then the time of set A will not be returned. """ assert self.values_set old_chains = [] for chain in self.all_sig_chains: if (chain.end_time < t and (not self.matched_chain_pair or chain is not self.matched_chain_pair[0])): # don't delete the active (matched) chain old_chains.append(chain) return old_chains
[docs] def get_last_full_backup_time(self): u""" Return the time of the last full backup, or 0 if there is none. """ return self.get_nth_last_full_backup_time(1)
[docs] def get_nth_last_full_backup_time(self, n): u""" Return the time of the nth to last full backup, or 0 if there is none. """ chain = self.get_nth_last_backup_chain(n) if chain is None: return 0 else: return chain.get_first().time
[docs] def get_last_backup_chain(self): u""" Return the last full backup of the collection, or None if there is no full backup chain. """ return self.get_nth_last_backup_chain(1)
[docs] def get_nth_last_backup_chain(self, n): u""" Return the nth-to-last full backup of the collection, or None if there is less than n backup chains. NOTE: n = 1 -> time of latest available chain (n = 0 is not a valid input). Thus the second-to-last is obtained with n=2 rather than n=1. """ assert self.values_set assert n > 0 if len(self.all_backup_chains) < n: return None sorted = self.all_backup_chains[:] # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin sorted.sort(key=lambda x: x.get_first().time) sorted.reverse() return sorted[n - 1]
[docs] def get_older_than(self, t): u""" Returns a list of backup sets older than the given time t All of the times will be associated with an intact chain. Furthermore, none of the times will be of a set which a newer set may depend on. For instance, if set A is a full set older than t, and set B is an incremental based on A which is newer than t, then the time of set A will not be returned. """ old_sets = [] for chain in self.get_chains_older_than(t): old_sets.extend(chain.get_all_sets()) return self.sort_sets(old_sets)
[docs] def get_older_than_required(self, t): u""" Returns list of old backup sets required by new sets This function is similar to the previous one, but it only returns the times of sets which are old but part of the chains where the newer end of the chain is newer than t. """ assert self.values_set new_chains = [c for c in self.all_backup_chains if c.end_time >= t] result_sets = [] for chain in new_chains: old_sets = [s for s in chain.get_all_sets() if s.get_time() < t] result_sets.extend(old_sets) return self.sort_sets(result_sets)
[docs] def get_file_changed_record(self, filepath): u""" Returns time line of specified file changed """ # quick fix to spaces in filepath modified_filepath = filepath if u" " in filepath: modified_filepath = u'"' + filepath.replace(u" ", r"\x20") + u'"' if not self.matched_chain_pair: return u"" all_backup_set = self.matched_chain_pair[1].get_all_sets() specified_file_backup_set = [] specified_file_backup_type = [] modified_filepath = util.fsencode(modified_filepath) for bs in all_backup_set: filelist = [fileinfo[1] for fileinfo in bs.get_files_changed()] if modified_filepath in filelist: specified_file_backup_set.append(bs) index = filelist.index(modified_filepath) specified_file_backup_type.append(bs.get_files_changed()[index][0]) return FileChangedStatus(filepath, list(zip(specified_file_backup_type, specified_file_backup_set)))
[docs] def get_all_file_changed_records(self, set_index): u""" Returns file changes in the specific backup set """ if not self.matched_chain_pair: return u"" all_backup_set = list(reversed(self.matched_chain_pair[1].get_all_sets())) return BackupSetChangesStatus(all_backup_set[set_index])
[docs]class FileChangedStatus(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, filepath, fileinfo_list): self.filepath = filepath self.fileinfo_list = fileinfo_list
def __str__(self): set_schema = u"%20s %30s %20s" l = [u"-------------------------", _(u"File: %s") % self.filepath, _(u"Total number of backup: %d") % len(self.fileinfo_list), set_schema % (_(u"Type of backup set:"), _(u"Time:"), _(u"Type of file change:"))] for s in self.fileinfo_list: backup_type = s[0] backup_set = s[1] if backup_set.time: type = _(u"Full") # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin else: type = _(u"Incremental") l.append(set_schema % (type, dup_time.timetopretty(backup_set.get_time()), backup_type.title())) l.append(u"-------------------------") return u"\n".join(l)
[docs]class BackupSetChangesStatus(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, backup_set): self.backup_set = backup_set
def __str__(self): changed_files = self.backup_set.get_files_changed() max_file_path_len = max([len(c[1]) for c in changed_files] + [5]) set_schema = u"%%-%ds %%20s" % max_file_path_len l = [u"-------------------------", _(u" Backup set time: %s") % (self.backup_set.get_timestr()), _(u"Total number of changes: %d") % len(changed_files), set_schema % (_(u"File:"), _(u"Type of file change:"))] + \ [set_schema % (c[1].decode(u'utf-8'), c[0].decode(u'utf-8')) for c in changed_files] + \ [u"-------------------------"] return u"\n".join(l)