Source code for testing.unit.test_dup_time

# -*- Mode:Python; indent-tabs-mode:nil; tab-width:4; encoding:utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2002 Ben Escoto <>
# Copyright 2007 Kenneth Loafman <>
# This file is part of duplicity.
# Duplicity is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.
# Duplicity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with duplicity; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA

from __future__ import print_function
from future import standard_library
from builtins import object

import sys
import unittest
import time
from duplicity import dup_time
from . import UnitTestCase

# For type testing against both int and long types that works in python 2/3
if sys.version_info < (3,):
    integer_types = (int, int)
    integer_types = (int,)

[docs]class TimeTest(object):
[docs] def testConversion(self): u"""test timetostring and stringtotime""" dup_time.setcurtime() assert type(dup_time.curtime) in integer_types assert isinstance(dup_time.curtimestr, (str, u"".__class__)) assert (dup_time.cmp(int(dup_time.curtime), dup_time.curtimestr) == 0 or dup_time.cmp(int(dup_time.curtime) + 1, dup_time.curtimestr) == 0) time.sleep(1.05) assert dup_time.cmp(time.time(), dup_time.curtime) == 1 assert dup_time.cmp(dup_time.timetostring(time.time()), dup_time.curtimestr) == 1
[docs] def testConversion_separator(self): u"""Same as testConversion, but change time Separator""" self.set_config(u'time_separator', u"_") self.testConversion()
[docs] def testCmp(self): u"""Test time comparisons""" cmp = dup_time.cmp assert cmp(1, 2) == -1 assert cmp(2, 2) == 0 assert cmp(5, 1) == 1 assert cmp(u"2001-09-01T21:49:04Z", u"2001-08-01T21:49:04Z") == 1 assert cmp(u"2001-09-01T04:49:04+03:23", u"2001-09-01T21:49:04Z") == -1 assert cmp(u"2001-09-01T12:00:00Z", u"2001-09-01T04:00:00-08:00") == 0 assert cmp(u"2001-09-01T12:00:00-08:00", u"2001-09-01T12:00:00-07:00") == 1 assert cmp(u"2001-09-01T11:00:00Z", u"20010901T120000Z") == -1 assert cmp(u"2001-09-01T12:00:00Z", u"20010901T120000Z") == 0 assert cmp(u"2001-09-01T13:00:00Z", u"20010901T120000Z") == 1
[docs] def testCmp_separator(self): u"""Like testCmp but with new separator""" self.set_config(u'time_separator', u"_") cmp = dup_time.cmp assert cmp(1, 2) == -1 assert cmp(2, 2) == 0 assert cmp(5, 1) == 1 assert cmp(u"2001-09-01T21_49_04Z", u"2001-08-01T21_49_04Z") == 1 assert cmp(u"2001-09-01T04_49_04+03_23", u"2001-09-01T21_49_04Z") == -1 assert cmp(u"2001-09-01T12_00_00Z", u"2001-09-01T04_00_00-08_00") == 0 assert cmp(u"2001-09-01T12_00_00-08_00", u"2001-09-01T12_00_00-07_00") == 1
[docs] def testStringtotime(self): u"""Test converting string to time""" timesec = int(time.time()) assert timesec == int(dup_time.stringtotime(dup_time.timetostring(timesec))) assert not dup_time.stringtotime(u"2001-18-83T03:03:03Z") assert not dup_time.stringtotime(u"2001-01-23L03:03:03L") assert not dup_time.stringtotime(u"2001_01_23T03:03:03Z")
[docs] def testIntervals(self): u"""Test converting strings to intervals""" i2s = dup_time.intstringtoseconds for s in [u"32", u"", u"d", u"231I", u"MM", u"s", u"-2h"]: try: i2s(s) except dup_time.TimeException: pass else: assert 0, s assert i2s(u"7D") == 7 * 86400 assert i2s(u"232s") == 232 assert i2s(u"2M") == 2 * 30 * 86400 assert i2s(u"400m") == 400 * 60 assert i2s(u"1Y") == 365 * 86400 assert i2s(u"30h") == 30 * 60 * 60 assert i2s(u"3W") == 3 * 7 * 86400
[docs] def testIntervalsComposite(self): u"""Like above, but allow composite intervals""" i2s = dup_time.intstringtoseconds assert i2s(u"7D2h") == 7 * 86400 + 2 * 3600 assert i2s(u"2Y3s") == 2 * 365 * 86400 + 3 assert i2s(u"1M2W4D2h5m20s") == (30 * 86400 + 2 * 7 * 86400 + 4 * 86400 + 2 * 3600 + 5 * 60 + 20)
[docs] def testPrettyIntervals(self): u"""Test printable interval conversion""" assert dup_time.inttopretty(3600) == u"1 hour" assert dup_time.inttopretty(7220) == u"2 hours 20 seconds" assert dup_time.inttopretty(0) == u"0 seconds" assert dup_time.inttopretty(353) == u"5 minutes 53 seconds" assert dup_time.inttopretty(3661) == u"1 hour 1 minute 1 second" assert dup_time.inttopretty(353.234234) == u"5 minutes 53.23 seconds"
[docs] def testGenericString(self): u"""Test genstrtotime, conversion of arbitrary string to time""" g2t = dup_time.genstrtotime assert g2t(u'now', 1000) == 1000 assert g2t(u'2h3s', 10000) == 10000 - 2 * 3600 - 3 assert g2t(u'2001-09-01T21:49:04Z') == \ dup_time.stringtotime(u'2001-09-01T21:49:04Z') assert g2t(u'2002-04-26T04:22:01') == \ dup_time.stringtotime(u'2002-04-26T04:22:01' + dup_time.gettzd(0)) t = dup_time.stringtotime(u'2001-05-12T00:00:00' + dup_time.gettzd(0)) assert g2t(u'2001-05-12') == t assert g2t(u'2001/05/12') == t assert g2t(u'5/12/2001') == t assert g2t(u'123456') == 123456
[docs] def testGenericStringErrors(self): u"""Test genstrtotime on some bad strings""" g2t = dup_time.genstrtotime self.assertRaises(dup_time.TimeException, g2t, u"hello") self.assertRaises(dup_time.TimeException, g2t, u"") self.assertRaises(dup_time.TimeException, g2t, u"3q")
[docs] def testConvertion(self): t = int(time.time()) assert dup_time.stringtotime(dup_time.timetostring(t)) == t
[docs]class TimeTest1(TimeTest, UnitTestCase):
[docs] def setUp(self): super(TimeTest1, self).setUp() self.set_config(u'old_filenames', False)
[docs]class TimeTest2(TimeTest, UnitTestCase):
[docs] def setUp(self): super(TimeTest2, self).setUp() self.set_config(u'old_filenames', True)
if __name__ == u'__main__': unittest.main()